Entertainment expenses, including entertainment, entertainment and social activities, and all related costs, are non-refundable unless certain costs that could otherwise be considered entertainment have a programmatic purpose and are approved either in the approved budget for the federal award or with the prior written approval of the federal awarding agency. (3) Records that adequately identify the origin and use of funds for federally funded activities. These documents must include information on federal indemnities, permits, financial obligations, non-binding balances, assets, expenses, revenues and interest, and be supported by source documents. (2) The following table describes which parts of this Part apply to which types of federal subsidies. The terms and conditions of the federal scholarships (including this Part) will be transferred as sub-grants to the sub-recipients, unless a particular section of this Part or the terms of the federal award expressly provide otherwise. This means that non-federal entities must meet the requirements of this Part, regardless of whether the non-federal entity is a recipient or sub-recipient of a federal grant. Transfer organizations shall meet the requirements described in Subsection D of this Part, §§ 200.331 to 200.333, but not the requirements of this Part addressed to federal procurement agencies, unless the requirements of this Part or the terms and conditions of federal government procurement provide otherwise. (i) costs which may not be recoverable under this Section, including directly related costs, shall be recorded separately and separately. In the course of the pending proceedings referred to in points (b) and (f) of this Section, the Federal Government shall in principle withhold payment of these costs. However, if it is in its best interests, the federal government may provide for a conditional payment by providing adequate security or other reasonable insurance and the agreement to reimburse all non-recoverable costs plus interest if the costs are subsequently found to be inadmissible.
(i) Provide a statement that the refund will be made at interest rates (i) provide a statement that the repayment will be made at the interest rates by the non-federal agency directly or that of the non-federal entity directly or that of the non-federal entity on the basis of an exemption granted by the federal government and, in the latter case, on the basis of the provision of the necessary exemption certificates by the non-federal contracting entity; (1) The amount of the federal surtax shall be negotiated on the basis of cost principles (or other pricing information) for information purposes only. The federal procurement agency or transfer agency may use fixed allocations if the scope of the project has measurable objectives and targets and if reasonable cost, historical or unit price data is available to determine a fixed amount allocation based on a reasonable estimate of actual costs. Payments are based on compliance with the specific requirements of the federal price. Accountability is based on performance and results. Except in the case of termination prior to the conclusion of the federal decision, there is no review by the Crown of the actual costs incurred by the non-federal agency in enforcing the award. Some of the ways in which the federal arbitration award may be disbursed include, but are not limited to: No federal procurement agency may impose restrictions on the non-federal entity that restrict public access to the non-federal entity`s records relevant to a federal award, with the exception of protected personal data (PII) or where the federal procurement agency can demonstrate that such records are confidential. and disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) or unclassified information controlled under Executive Order 13556 if the documents were heard by the Federal Awarding Agency. The Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) (FOIA) does not apply to records that remain under the control of a non-federal entity, except as required by section 200.315.
Unless required by federal, state, local, and tribal laws, non-federal entities are not required to allow public access to their records. Records of the non-federal entity provided to a federal agency are generally subject to the FOIA and applicable exceptions. (4) The additional remuneration generally constitutes excessive remuneration, subject to the institutional remuneration policy for services that go beyond the IBS. If the additional remuneration for the services is the result of intra-IHE advice, it shall be subject to the same requirements as paragraph (b) above. It is permitted if all of the following conditions are met: (b) Unless the federal contracting authority or transmitting agency approves an extension, a non-federal organization must liquidate all financial obligations arising from federal procurement no later than 120 calendar days after the end date of the period of service specified in the Federal Terms and Conditions of Service. (e) any additional requirement shall be deleted without delay as soon as the conditions which triggered it are fulfilled; C) For each month in which accumulated cash inflows exceed accumulated outflows, interest on excess inflows for that month shall be calculated and treated as a reduction in eligible interest expenses. The interest rate to be used must be the three-month closing price for treasury bills beginning on the last business day of that month. a) The standards set out in this Part regarding the administration of federal awards issued by federal procurement agencies shall take effect as soon as they have been implemented by the federal contracting authorities or when a future amendment to that Part becomes final.
4. The transmitting body shall be responsible for resolving the audit conclusions relating specifically to partial allocation and not for clarifying the cross-cutting findings. If a sub-recipient has recently published a single audit report in the Federal Audit Information Centre and has not been excluded from federal funding (e.B. excluded or suspended), the intermediary entity may rely on Subefe`s Cognizant audit agency or the conscious oversight agency to carry out audit follow-up and make management decisions relating to cross-functional findings in accordance with Article 200.513(a)(3)(vii). Such confidence does not relieve the transmitting body of the responsibility to award partial rewards that meet agency and procurement specific requirements, to manage risks through ongoing monitoring of subcontracting, and to monitor the performance status specifically related to subcontracting. a) If a federal procurement agency does not assign a federal award to a non-federal entity because the public servant determines that the non-federal entity does not meet one or both of the minimum standards of qualification described in section 200.206(a)(2), the federal procurement agency must report this finding to the designated integrity and merit system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS). only if all of the following apply: (iv) For recipients who do not have the electronic remittance capacity, please make Check2 payable: “The Department of Health and Social Services.” – (1) The employee lobbies (as defined in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section) 25% or less of the employee`s hours of paid work during that calendar month; and (b) the collection of information. If necessary, the Federal Office for Public Procurement may inform applicants and recipients that they are not required to provide certain information that is otherwise necessary for the collection of corresponding information. (c) Professional activities outside the non-federal agency. Unless an agreement has been specifically approved by a federal procurement agency, a non-federal organization must follow its non-federal written policies and practices regarding the eligible scope of professional services that may be provided outside of the non-governmental, non-governmental, non-organizational compensation unit. If such non-federal written guidelines do not exist or do not adequately define the permissible scope of counselling or other non-organizational activities conducted for additional external salaries, the federal government may require that the effort of professional staff working on federal scholarships be allocated to: (8) For a non-federal entity where the records are not those described in this section.
In accordance with the standards, the federal government may require human resources activity reports, including mandatory certifications, or equivalent documents in support of the records required in this section. Federal interest, for the purposes of section 200.330 or when used in connection with the acquisition or improvement of real property, equipment or supplies under a federal award, is the dollar amount that is the proceeds of the deduction. Normally, program revenues must be deducted from the total eligible costs to determine the net eligible costs […].